help > Importing new QC metrics as 2nd-level covariates after rerunning preprocessing?
Nov 30, 2022  02:11 PM | Jeff Browndyke
Importing new QC metrics as 2nd-level covariates after rerunning preprocessing?
We ran our preprocessing using the default intermediate QC/ART settings, which resulted in QC second-level covariates from the 5z/0.7mm ART thresholds.  Needing to be a bit more conservative with ART thresholding, we reran the preprocessing routine using the conservative ART settings, which did update the masks and regressor files.  However, how do we generate a new set of QC metrics in the second-level covariate section to reflect the more conservative ART settings (i.e., QC_valid_scans for new ART threshold results)?  Rerunning the preprocessing pipeline does not automatically generate a new set of QC second-level variables.


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Importing new QC metrics as 2nd-level covariates after rerunning preprocessing?
Jeff Browndyke Nov 30, 2022
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Dec 24, 2022
Jeff Browndyke Dec 26, 2022
Jeff Browndyke Dec 26, 2022
Jeff Browndyke Dec 14, 2022