When performing computational neuroscience-based analysis, it is often beneficial to view the data. Also, as Matlab is a common tool for such analysis, it is beneficial to visualize the data without having to open an external application that does not run in the Matlab environment.

MRIcroS, a Matlab-based tool, provides:
1) surface mesh visualization (PLY, PIAL, NV, STL,VTK, GIFTI formats)
2) Convert NIfTI voxel images to surface meshes (and save as PLY or VTK)
3) track (TRK files) visualization
4) connectome data (BrainNet Viewer .node and .edge files) visualization
5) intuitive GUI
6) all functions available in the GUI are available through scripting. Therefore, automated scripts can be created
7) can export rendered image as bitmap

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